After a strong and surprising debut of Netflix's Stranger Things series, I was both excited and a little bit skeptical of how season 2 would fare. Season 1 kept some plot lines up in the air in its conclusion, but also resolved enough to the point where I was concerned that they would have to manufacture artificial storylines. Turns out those fears were misplaced, as Stranger Things 2 picks up on the greatness season 1 left us with.
I will refrain from diving into deep plot specifics to avoid spoilers, so I will speak generally about the story, and just say that season 2 gives us the same enjoyable cast of characters, as well as some likable new additions. Max(nicknamed Mad Max), a tough and rugged kid girl who brings a little badassery and fearlessness to the group, and Billy(Max's brother) who represents the prototypical 80's cliched badass high school bully jock. Sean Astin was also added to the mix, playing a dorky tech nerd named Bob who dates Winona Ryder's character Joyce. Each new character proves to be a quality newcomer to the show and they don't feel forced, out of place, and fit into the story organically.
The plot this time around is more epic in scale with the threat feeling greater, and from the jump the writers give you a constant sense of foreboding that gradually ramps up with each episode. Like season 1, the story unravels slowly, like opening a package one corner at a time instead of tearing it open. They don't thrust too much onto the viewer at once and give you time to enjoy and digest the characters and plot developments.
However, one of my main gripes with this season is in regard to the plot. Once I found out what that main threat that they tease you with actually was, I was slightly disappointed. I don't think the pay-off was rewarding enough with all the build-up they gave us, and I found this season's enemy actually less intimidating and scary as season 1's Demogorgon. This isn't a huge deal, as I still think the writers did a good job at having everything come together in interesting and fun ways, and it was still every bit as thrilling as season 1 overall, but the Demogorgon of the previous season definitely provided more intrigue and thrills for me.
My other gripe with the show is I felt they mishandled Eleven's character arc. To avoid heavy spoilers, let me just say I think they left a lot of meat on the bone with her character and she was isolated away from the show's group of kids for much of the season. I get why they decided to go the route that they did, but I think it could have been handled better, and at times I think it took away from the enjoyment I had the spending time with these kids in their adventure. She was instrumental in season 1 as the cog that brought the kids together with a purpose, and watching her unleash her powers on-screen was always entertaining. This season, she was basically relegated to slamming doors and opening locks with her mind for 90% of it, and I found that a bit of a letdown.
One final thing. For season 3, I hope they find another of the characters to pick on other than poor Will. The little guy has gone through more than enough, and using him in that same role for a 3rd straight season would start to feel redundant.
Overall, Stranger Things 2 was a big thumbs up from me. I rank it on par with the first season in almost every way. The characters stayed true to form, they were properly developed, and the story was entertaining from beginning to end. If you enjoyed season 1, definitely check out the new season ASAP.
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